DUI 1st in SC? Ignition Interlock Device Now Mandatory!
Heard about the new 2024 SC DUI law? A new SC DUI law that went into effect May 19, 2024, requires every person who is convicted of driving under the influence in South Carolina or who has an implied consent suspension to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in...

Ordinance Violations in South Carolina
What is an ordinance violation in SC? Sometimes, law enforcement will charge a person with violating a municipal or county code instead of charging them under a state law. These municipal offenses, or “ordinance violations,” carry potential fines and jail time just...

2024 Changes to South Carolina’s Open Carry Firearm Laws
Constitutional Carry: What are the 2024 Changes to South Carolina’s Open Carry Firearm Laws? South Carolina’s “Constitutional Carry” Bill, H. 3594, was passed this year and signed into law on March 7, 2024. It allows anyone not otherwise prohibited (due to criminal...

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